Sweet Boy |
Guess Who is Who... Top one is harder than bottom! |
Boyd Christmas Lighting |
We had a great weekend/week... Since we had Thanksgiving on Thursday we went to my Aunt & Uncle's house to eat lunch. We hung out for a while then I went shopping...YES I am crazy for shopping on the worst day but Mom and I actually find it fun and for some reason it was not so bad this year? I guess people just don't want to get out and about! I got my NEW camera though! Merry Christmas to me! I'm excited about it! Cannot wait to do my 1st photo shoot with it! The picture at the top was taken with it and so were the pictures at the bottom. Saturday we went to Uncle Rob's house for the annual Christmas lighting party... It was so much fun! The boys had a good time! Daddy left us for a whole week this week... we are hoping he passes his Master Tech test this time! If so we will all be celebrating! We heard from a little birdy too that someone might be home this week... We will keep you informed on who, what, when & where on that! Stay tuned!!!