Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So Fisher's bump has gone down tremendously. I am making another appointment with the doctor for next week. He told us we would need to get an x-ray to make sure that things are healing like they need to. He is sitting so good now. He talks up a storm and squeals!!! He knows who I am finally!!! He is starting to recognize familiar faces. He gets happy to see Jane(his babysitter)... Makes me happy then sad!!! For about 2 weeks he was not sleeping all night. He would wake up around 4 to eat then wanted to go back to bed. Well, he has stopped that at least for a couple of days now. He sleeps all night from 7:30 - 6 every night!!! It is awesome!!! The reason I have this picture above is because this is the one that I entered him into the Regis and Kelly Most Beautiful Baby contest!!!

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